Feb 07 Love0 Taurus By admin Iceberg Lettuce Consistent size and uniformity Average head weight 1 kg Large frame suitable for fresh market use in Queensland (winter).
Feb 07 Love0 Lopez By admin Iceberg Lettuce Dark green colour Large upright frame with nice heavy uniform heads Very high first cut % Sits off the ground with a number of frame leaves Large heads 1kg+ Very strong against big vein Suited for the warm shoulder in southern Australia.
Jan 30 Love0 TROPICAL By A medium iceberg with round shaped head. It has excellent tolerance to bolting and tip burn. Good heat tolerance.
Jan 30 Love0 HEATMASTER By admin Iceberg Lettuce Medium-sized Vanguard style lettuce for warm season production Very uniform Excellent tolerance to bolting and Tip Burn Medium head size.
Jan 30 Love0 HOLYFIELD By admin Iceberg Lettuce Vanguard style lettuce with excellent heat tolerance Large, round head shape with good internal colour Excellent field holding ability and short core length Popular for both processing and fresh market.
Jan 30 Love0 FALCON By admin Iceberg Lettuce Vanguard style lettuce Produces uniform, medium sized heads under cold conditions Heavily savoyed texture Sure heading with very short core Suitable for the processing or fresh market.
Jan 30 Love0 FENECH By admin Iceberg Lettuce Vanguard style lettuce for use in the shoulder period Adaptable variety Sure heading under difficult conditions Mid-size frame with dark green heads Short core.
Jan 30 Love0 Monterey By admin Iceberg Lettuce Large framed Vanguard style lettuce for warm season production Very sure heading with excellent tipburn tolerance Medium-large head size, short core Should be trialled in the Raider timeslot.