Hybrid Indeterminate Round Tomato
- Strong plant type with short internodes
- Suited to protected culture
- High marketable yield potential
- Maintains fruit size throughout the growing cycle
- Uniform fruit set within the truss
- High quality fruit present well when packed
- August to February transplant in Virginia
Disease Resistance
• HR: Fol(0,1), For(0), Pf, Tm:0-2, ToMV, TYLCV, Va(0), Vd(0)
• IR: Ma/Mi/Mj.

Hybrid Indeterminate Tomato
- Very controlled, almost self-terminating plant
- Large sizing (180 – 200gram) maintaining size up the plant
- Fruit is of exceptional firmness for a large tomato
- Excellent shelf life
- Recommended for summer production
Additional comments and cultural notes
Disease package includes:
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
Fusarium Ox 0,1,2 (F3)
Leaf Mould Ff A-E
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
Tomato Mosaic Virus:0-2
Verticillium Wilt (Va,Vd)
Nematode (Ma, Mi, Mj)

Indeterminate Cherry Tomato
- Vigorous plant, with short and very regular internodes
- Maintains fruit size through the growing cycle
- Suited for greenhouse and open field cultivation
- Regular and long clusters with strong attachments
- Round, firm fruit, bright red, L.S.L.
- Fruit size over 20gr.
- Disease resistance:
HR: ToMV:0-2/Fol:0,1/Va:0/Vd:0

Hybrid Tomato – Indeterminate
- Very refined glasshouse appearance – deep red colour when ripe
- Medium-large size with even sizing up the vine
- Very vigorous growth habit
- Extremely firm 4 locule
- Extended shelf life
- Disease package includes:
– Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
– Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
– Fusarium Ox. Race 1-3
Additional comments and cultural notes
- Fertiliser applications and amounts should be carefully considered regarding the very vigorous growth habit of the vine
- Contact your local Territory Manager for pruning and cultural requirements